Raised in New Jersey and New York. Residing in Brooklyn since 99". Work in Snow & Skateboard shops while slinging drinks to pay the bills. Currently at SHUT Skateboards playing the roll of "Mr Everything"..now known as The Concierge. Be sure check out my column on http://radcollector.com/columns/michaelcohen/
If you happen to find yourself in lower midtown New York and need of a kool hotel room be sure to check-into room 1022 Ace Hotel...The Full Bleed Room! One of my photos from the Full Bleed book is up on the wall along with 39 other magnificent photos. I would like to thank Alex, Ivory and Andre once again for this awesome opportunity and Jou-Yie from the ACE hotel for making this happen.
Afro Punks 2009 was sick. From the music, art installations, BMX, and Mr. Rohan, Taji, and Crew killing it all day! Thanks to all who participated and sponsored